Invitation-The Asia-Pacific Footwear Industry Development & Technology Innovation Seminar2019


The Asia-Pacific Footwear IndustryDevelopment & Technology Innovation Seminar



主办单位:Bzone Shanghai



会议地点:中国 广州


11 月27 日   星期三   下午

15:00-18:00   会议预签到&展示交流  

Pre Sign-in& Communication

11 月28 日   星期四   上午

08:00-09:00   会议签到&展示交流  

& Communication

09:00-09:30   中美贸易战如何影响鞋业未来发展?

How will the Us-China trade war affect the future development of thefootwear industry?

09:30-10:00   品味大众消费新逻辑,创造鞋企发展新思路

Taste the new logic of mass consumption,create new trends for thedevelopment of shoe enterprises

10:00-10:30   面对当下个性化消费需求的变化,鞋子设计理念的转变及其对于材料的差异化需求

Facing the change of personalized consumption demand, the change of shoedesign concept and the difference of material demand

10:30-11:00   鞋业自动化发展趋势及其与材料间的配合分析

The development trend of footwear automation and its coordination withvarious of materials

11:00-11:30   3D打印如何助力鞋业高效发展

How does 3D printing facilitate the efficient development of footwearindustry

11:30-12:00   生产工艺对于成本以及材料选择的影响

The influence of manufacturing process on cost and material selection

12:00-14:00   自助午餐   Lunch Buffet

11 月28 日   星期四   下午

14:00-14:30   对于更轻更弹更缓震的鞋材的追求与创新突破

The pursuit and innovative breakthroughs of lighter, more elastic and morecushioning shoe materials

14:30-15:00   鞋底/鞋垫人体力学性功能性设计研究

Design Study on the human mechanical function of sole/insole

15:00-15:30   高弹缓震超轻鞋材对于EVA/橡胶/聚氨酯/ETPU等材料的性能要求及对比分析Performancerequirements and comparative analysis of EVA/ rubber/polyurethane /ETPUmaterials for high elasticity, slow vibration and ultra-light shoes

15:30-16:00   橡胶鞋底高弹耐磨抗压缩永久变形轻量化性能研究  

Study on the lightweight properties of rubber sole with high elasticity,wear resistance, compression and permanent deformation

16:00-16:30   茶歇&自由交流   Coffee Break & Net-Working

16:30-17:00   轻质高弹耐磨EVA发泡鞋材技术创新

Technical Innovation of light, high elasticity and wear-resisting EVA foamshoes material

17:00-17:20   缓冲和减震的革命性材料——ETPU鞋底成型工艺  

Revolutionary material for cushioning and shock absorption——ETPUsole molding process

17:20-17:40   TPE缓震鞋底新技术  

TPE cushioning sole new technology

17:40-18:00   轻质、回弹与可塑性强的PEBAX在鞋材的开发应用

Development and application of lightweight, resilient and plasticity PEBAXin shoe materials

18:00-20:00   招待晚宴 Gala Dinner

11 月29 日   星期五   上午

09:00-09:30   生物基发泡鞋材研究及实际应用案例分享  

Study and practical application case sharing on biology-based foaming shoematerials

09:30-10:00   工业4.0时代下,飞织鞋面创新技术发展  

In the era of industry 4.0, Fly knitting vamp innovative technologydevelopment

10:00-10:30   高透防水鞋面革创新解决方案  

Innovative solution for waterproof upper leather

10:30-11:00   鞋材防水整理技术  

Waterproof finishing technology for shoe materials

11:00-11:30   环保鞋用胶粘剂(水性/PUR)的创新应用

Innovative application of environmental adhesive for shoes (water-based/PUR)

11:30-12:00   检测技术助力鞋材绿色安全发展  

Detection technology assists the development of green and safe shoematerials


朱女士 Sarah Zhu

Tel:+86 21 50903851/+86 189 1728 9684


周女士 Vicky Zhou

Tel:+86 21 50901911/+86 189 6406 1679